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Exam tips to perform at your best

Horace Jackson Brown Jr said: “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.” With exam season upon us, you may know someone or you may be experiencing feelings of stress, anxiety and a pressure to perform well. Of course, nervousness before an exam is normal, however too much stress can hinder one’s ability to perform at their best. So what can you do to manage exam jitters effectively and set yourself up for success? Here are some helpful tips for students and those with loved ones sitting exams.


  1. Plan ahead

Organise yourself by creating a study schedule. Break down your study material into manageable chunks thus keeping targets realistic. This approach will help you stay organised, focused, and avoid last- minute cramming, which can increase stress levels.


  1. Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques

Incorporating some mindfulness and relaxation techniques into your daily routine can improve your overall well-being. Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation and prayer improve concentration. Consider setting aside a few minutes each day to practise these techniques to help you stay centred and focused during the exam period.


  1. Get adequate sleep

I cannot emphasise this enough! Getting enough sleep is crucial for cognitive function, memory retention and overall health. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to help your brain recharge and perform at its best. Basically, avoid those all-nighters!!!


  1. Eat well balanced meals

Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet is essential for optimal brain function and energy levels. Your diet should consist of a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats to fuel your body and mind. Avoid excessive caffeine, sugar, and processed foods, as quite often it leads to energy crashes and mood swings.


  1. Stay active

Regular physical activity can help reduce stress, improve mood, and boost cognitive function. Try to incorporate at least 20 minutes of moderate exercise into your daily routine, such as walking, jogging, yoga, or cycling. Physical activity can also help you sleep better, increase your energy levels, and enhance your overall sense of well-being. 


  1. Take breaks!

Studying for long hours without taking breaks, can lead to burnout and decreased productivity. Instead, take short breaks every hour or so to rest your mind, stretch, or engage in a relaxing activity. Give yourself a break from the screen. This will help refresh your mind, prevent fatigue, and improve your ability to focus when you return to your studies.


By implementing these strategies into your daily routine, you can reduce anxiety, improve your focus and concentration and perform at your best during exams. Do your best and enjoy this journey. Wishing you all the very best of luck!


By Sherin Parvin

Local resident and REB member

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